Monday, July 19, 2010


July has been very fun so far. We celebrated the 4th of July with my family. It was a great day of food, swimming and fireworks. Poor Daddy was on call and had to go to work just before the fireworks began. So, he missed out on seeing Natalie watch the fireworks with her fingers in her ears as though she didn't really like them. However, the next morning she asked when we were going to see fireworks again. She must have liked them after all.

Natalie's preschool choir (singing class as Natalie calls it) sang a few songs in church last week. This is a really fuzzy picture but I had to post it anyway. Let me note a few things. First, my very shy little girl is blossoming. She is becoming much more outgoing and apparently, loves to preform. She sang loud and did all the motions without any hesitation. She is already asking when they get to sing in "big church" again. The second thing I want to point out is that we were seated with Granny, Uncle Kevin, Nana, PawPaw, Riley and Brittney to the right of the stage. So, Natalie decided to face her audience rather than facing center like all the other children. Thanks to our family for coming to watch Natalie! It made her feel very special!

We went with some friends to the Bass Pro Shop for lunch recently. They had this pool set up outside where you could try out a kayak. How cool is that? The kids had a great time!

Difficult to describe this photo with words.... let's just say this warms my heart completely!

1 comment:

Carrie and Jordan said...

LOVE the picture of her performing!!! She's going to end up being a movie star:)