Friday, January 1, 2010

Long post

Is it January already?! We have been so busy enjoying all the holidays that I haven't made time to post new pictures. Let me catch up by wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Natalie enjoyed all the holiday celebrations. She LOVED the Christmas lights. One of our neighbors had a blow up Charlie Brown snow globe in their yard. Natalie insisted that we drive the long way out of our neighborhood so that she could see it. These people probably thought we were stalking them as we drove by at a slow speed multiple times a day.

Here are some pictures from the last couple of months.

One afternoon, I walked in the sunroom and found that Natalie had all the gang ready for "story time".

Nana and PawPaw came to visit for Tim's birthday on the 14th. They watched Natalie for me the next day while I worked. I think Natalie enjoyed their visit. I came out of my office during "nap time" and caught them feeding Natalie chocolate cake. Grandparents, what are you going to do with them?!

Later that afternooon, Natalie and PawPaw enjoyed their favorite snack, popcorn.

Natalie was a big helper this year making Christmas cookies.

Are they ready yet, Mom?

Natalie played the drums with her class at church for the children's Christmas musical. We were so proud of her! She has a tendancy to be a little shy. So, we were prepared for her to run off stage or start crying but she really enjoyed playing for the crowd and has already asked when she gets to do it again.

Natalie loves for us to wear our aprons when we cook together. She gave Granny an apron to wear when she helped us bake cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve.

Natalie has reached the age where she loves to make silly faces for the camera. I usually have to take at least one silly one before she will agree to smile. Here she is leaving snacks for Santa and the reindeer.

New golf golf clubs and a pink bag and pink golf balls. Those who know Tim can appreciate these pictures. Tim loves to play golf! Even though he doesn't get to play very often these days, he still enjoys hitting balls in the backyard with Natalie. He asked for a net as his present. I am sure that he and Natalie will spend many happy afternoons in the backyard with their new gifts.

Daddy and Natalie admiring her new doll.

We almost forgot to take Natalie's picture with her new ornament this year. I remembered as we were taking the tree down and snapped a quick picture. I am so glad we did because it is fun to see how she is changing from year to year.

1 comment:

Carrie and Jordan said...

THANKS for the had been WAY:) too long!!! Love the golf stuff...maybe she'll go pro one day:)