Friday, January 28, 2011

A Cuge Christmas

Natalie likes to make up her on words occasionally. The word to use around Christmas time was "cuge". Best I can tell, it a combination of the words "cute" and "huge". She used it quite frequently to describe this magical time of year. We enjoyed lots of time with family during the holidays. Here are just a few of the special moments.
Natalie was so excited to have her Nana, PawPaw and Granny here for Christmas Eve. We enjoyed a gumbo dinner (in honor of my Nanaw) and baked Christmas cookies. I was surprised to learn that this was the first time Nana had ever decorated Christmas cookies. I hope this will become a yearly tradition because it was a lot of fun!

Last year after we put Natalie to bed on Christmas Eve, she called us into her room. She was very uneasy about a big fat man in a red suit coming into our house (even if he was going to leave presents). So, Daddy assured her that Santa would just leave her presents in the garage and that Daddy would get up really early and move them to the living room. So, guess who remembered that story and insisted that we leave the cookies and milk for Santa in the garage : ) I love the way my sweet, cautious little girl's mind works.

Lots of present opening and new toys!

A few days after Christmas we went to Bellingrath Gardens to see the Christmas lights with our friends the Clarkes. They were beautiful! Another fun holiday tradition : )

Natalie was thrilled to watch her new Toy Story movie with her cousins and PawPaw. She has almost worn that movie out already! Her favorite line is "Run like the wind, Bull's Eye" and she says it over and over and over again...

Look at our precious daughter growing each year with her Christmas ornaments from our special friends.

1 year old

2 years old

3 years old

4 years old


Daphne said...

I sooooo enjoy reading your family blog! And the pictures are priceless!!! I love you Jones family, and think of you often. I always ask Aunt Janice about you guys. Love, Daphne

Carrie and Jordan said...

I LOVE that you take a picture of her each year with her ornament. Made my day to see the pics!!!